DGND3700 V1 Transmission Firmware Legacy
This page contains all the LEGACY custom firmware files for Netgear's DGND3700 V1 / N600 (ADSL/VDSL(FTTC)/WAN Router).
(The DGND3700 V2 is a different Broadcom chipset and only supports ADSL, NOT VDSL!)
- NOTE this is built based upon Netgear's released GPL source code and is not related in any way to Netgear beyond that.
- 1 DGND3700 v1 / N600 Screenshots
- 2 Download Latest Firmware DGND3700V1/N600 - Legacy Version
- 2.1 Changelog 2015-02-08
- 2.2 Changelog 2014-10-26
- 2.3 Changelog 2014-09-29
- 2.4 Changelog 2014-05-29
- 2.5 Changelog 2014-03-15
- 2.6 Changelog 2014-02-14
- 2.7 Changelog 2014-01-20
- 2.8 Changelog 2013-12-20
- 2.9 Changelog 2013-11-27
- 2.10 Changelog 10201736
- 2.11 Changelog 10121522
- 2.12 Changelog 09121810
- 2.13 Previous DGND3700 V1 / N600 firmware versions
DGND3700 v1 / N600 Screenshots
Please note this is the legacy version for the 3700v1 only, please see the main page for the new GENIE version for 3700v1/3800.
Download Latest Firmware DGND3700V1/N600 - Legacy Version
Download Link DGND3700_2015-02-08_A_D.chk
- Known issues : openVPN , default has --pushroute instead of --push route, need to manually alter nvram variable openvpn_value
Changelog 2015-02-08
- iperf3 added (for devs, requested by Pietro)
- LiME loadable kernel module, whole memory dumping (for devs)
- (front) physical WPS Button Override, to run any arbitrary command, such as poweroff.
- 'Network settings' > DNSMasq 'additional configuration' (Netflix w/ Hulu bypassing etc.)
- IPoEoA connections with VLAN tagging now work; e.g. Sky Fibre (UK), TalkTalk fibre (UK)
- nfs now starts correctly on USB hotplug, fixing: "daemon.err mountd[1854]: unable to register (mountd, 1, udp)" - Created retry patch
- Various minor updates/improvements/fixes.
- nfs-utils 1.3.0 > 1.3.2
- busybox 1.22.1 > 1.23
- dropbear 2014.65 > 2014.66
- sqlite 3080301 > 3080704
- 'xDSL Advanced', more DSL stats views available , refreshable. (requested bulldog147)
- 'Lan Setup', warning on about disabling DHCP disabling DNS.
Changelog 2014-10-26
- Network Traffic menu entry that displays all interface traffic directly from kernel.
- Added two extra Filter entries to Automatic (if you are already using it you will need to manually delete automatic.data and let it regenerate to make use of them)
- openSSL binary added to firmware image for TLS key gen for openVPN
- 'Network Settings', new options; openVPN port change and SSH(Dropbear/SFTP) WAN port change. [LAN still on 22]
- Patched bug(SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED) in Dropbear 2014.65 , also now supports ECDSA keys.
- Fixed issues where 'state' wasn't showing correctly in 'Network Services' with inadyn-mt
- VLAN tagging can now tag WAN port as well as xDSL port, to support FTTH (fiber-to-the-home)
- Added more info to 'Attached Devices' such as arp cache/scan, dnsmasq leases and MAC <> OUI (vendor/manufacturer) lookup. Thanks to Netgear forum members for suggestions!
- openVPN now uses TLS keys by default, these are generated the first time it starts and stored in nvram (available as files in /tmp/CA). If you were previously using it with static key, you need to delete the 'openvpn_value' nvram variable to let it regenerate.
- Have redone most of the log outputs using JS/AJAX and display them in reverse order so newest entries are at the top. Should also help browser compatibility.
- Samba logs into main system log
- Updated bits of 'Network services' page and backend script to reduce delays.
Changelog 2014-09-29
This replaced 2014-09-28 which had a problem with samba
- openVPN 2.3.4 (not affected by ShellShock, no auth-user-pass-verify in default config [and no bash shell anyway])
- Using WAN port as 5th Ethernet port (actually port 0) now works fully without isolation.
(thanks to help from 'erm67' in decyphering /proc/switch!) - Fixed occasional race condition with dnsmasq restarting before ports were freed.
(don't understand how it happens but adding a retry loop in the source fixed it.
The version change also fixes another possible race condition problem)
- miniDLNA/Readyshare 1.1.3 ? > 1.1.4 (fixes for some Philips TVs, added Magic Containers)
- Transmission 2.83 > 2.84
- OpenSSL 1.0.1h? > 1.0.2 beta3 (no Heartbleed)
- OpenSSH 6.3p1 > 6.6p1
- NFSUtils 1.2.7 > 1.3.0 (NFSv2 still enabled)
- inadyn-mt 02.24.38 > 02.24.43 (fixes, extra dynmaic dns servers supported)
- Dropbear(SSH) 2013.56 > 2014.65 (compiled with reduced unauth limits to help against brute force attacks)
- Samaba 3.2.22 > 3.2.24 (final Samba 3 release)
- DNSMasq 2.71 > 2.72
- Unnecessary 'dsldiag' removed from acos_init startup to save some CPU cycles.
- Altered built in accounts/groups to be more correct.
- Temp file used on altering web config values changed to be not the same as minidlna was still using!
- other minor bits and bobs.
Changelog 2014-05-29
This replaced 2014-05-26 which had a problem with dnsmasq
- tcpdump/libpcap 4.5.1 / 1.5.3 - network debugging/monitoring
- PXE Boot will serve all menu/data from USB if attached with magic folder /pxe/
- NVRAM variable dnsmasq_custom_options will append contents to dnsmasq config file
- Added items to Web UI
- additional WAN DHCP Client options can be passed (1483/MER)
- additional DNS server to DHCP assigned ones
- timezone setting (TZ)
- Ad-blocking list URL
- WAN VLAN tagging works properly (e.g. with BT Infinity, UK)
- Automatic RSS torrent feed web interface now works again
- miniDLNA/Readyshare > current Git (fixed some Samsung TV problems amongst many other fixes)
- Transmission 2.82 > 2.83
- OpenSSL > 1.02 (HEATBEAT disabled)
- Dnsmasq 2.68 > 2.71
- PXElinux > 6.02 (now direct via lpxelinux.0 without iPXE)
Changelog 2014-03-15
- e2fsprogs 1.42.9 - cant format/check ext2/3/4 file system directly on DGND3700 (mke2fs/e2fsck/badblocks etc. Usage example under 'transmission' here
- SMB2 (Samba V2) support now working. (Oddity of obsolete 'security = share' disabling SMB2 support.)
(Note gvfs-mount as used in Nautilus etc. only supports SMB1).
- umount now works again (bug introduced in Busybox 1.22.0 - I found/fixed).
- cURL 7.33.0 > 7.35.0
- miniDLNA/Readyshare > todays current git (development seems to have restarted)
- sqlite3 > 3080301
- NTFS-3g > 2014.2.15
- Now (almost) everything compiled with gcc optimize level -O3 for possible slight speedups/lower cpu usage. (Previously most were -O2 and some only -Os)
- Removed some unnecessary build options in ffmpeg to reduce library sizes (used by miniDLNA/Readyshare)
- Retracted using ionice for TBT and DLNA
Changelog 2014-02-14
- Ad blocking via DNS (dnsmasq) - [default using http://pgl.yoyo.org which isn't too large and yet still blocks 99%, can be changed via nvram parameter 'adblock_blocklist', if dnsmasq formatted]
- Additional DNS server can be added in addition to DHCP aquired ones by adding it's IP with nvram paramter 'wan_dns_extra'
Additions - Testing: [feedback please as untested]
- VLAN tag (WAN VLAN ID) on atm0 interface (for VDSL [e.g. BT Infinity, ID 101, remember transfer mode needs to be also PTM])
- IGMP Proxy (IPTV)
- Removed the possibility of race condition in acos_service when wan is going down and up where it may be reading/writing/moving/deleting resolv.auto file at the same time.
- Few minor GUI tweaks
- Dnsmasq now doesn't poll for resolve.auto, relies on wan up/down, (will save a few CPU cycles)
- Time/date set via busybox's ntpd on wan up (time.nist.giv & time.pool.org). No longer running timesync with Netgear's servers, (will save a few CPU cycles)
Changelog 2014-01-20
- SNMP Monitor (Web GUI)
- Wake-On-Lan (Web GUI)
- Cron Scheduler (Web GUI)
- Avahi/Bonjour/Zeroconf services advertisments
- RIP (re-enabled Netgear's implementation with zebra/ripd)
- bbe (binary block editor), wol (cli)
- Busybox > 1.22.1
- Samba > 3.6.22
- Patched pre-existing bug in lld2d (link layer topology discovery daemon) so when it randomly renames the LAN Setup > Device Name it goes to a default DGND3700 and not "802.11 Broadcom Reference", which breaks things (such as Windows 7 'network map')
- Transmission startup script will no longer cause a 0 byte config file if the drives full.
- A few other minor fixes.
- Enabled MaxMTU setting to 1492 on PPPoA
- LAN Setup > 'Device Name' now forced to only allow alphanumeric and hyphens as being used as hostname and as part of the service names
- Web GUI updated with new 'network services' and text tweaking for clarity
- Most programs/services now separately enabled/disabled via the 'network services'.
- miniDLNA now referred to with its new name 'ReadyMedia'
- more filtering of webui input to block anyone entering invalid characters that may break parsing
Changelog 2013-12-20
- p910nd non-caching print server daemon added, autostarts on USB printer hotplug. (Appsocket/HP JetDirect , port 9100)
- Altered ADSL 'Target SNR Margin' adjustments on web gui to have finer grained control (10% increments)
Changelog 2013-11-27
- telnet client as requested
- crontab/crond as requested (and cURL executable). Setting nvram option cron_value with a normal crontab entry will make crond start using that value.
- rebuilt MIPS build toolchain with all available patches (fixing daemonize bug)
- minidlna to 1.1.1, now running properly daemonized. (Netgear worked around this by leaving it running in debug mode!) It should take up less resources now doing a scan too & work with more tv's etc.
- openssl 1.0.2
- all the (A/V) libs that minidlna uses. (ffmpeg 2.0.2 ,libogg 1.3.1, flac 1.3.0 & zlib 1.2.8)
- dnsmasq now back to low CPU usage & not crapping out (setting --query-port=0), thanks to a tool called dnsblast that let me get to the bottom of it after weeks of fiddling and trying to find a reliable test.
- unplugging a usb device should stop services and cleanup everything properly.
- other minor things I can't remember now as it has been so long since last release.
- ionice reducing I/O priority of transmission and minidlna to get low dibs order on the usb drive and not hog it.
- multitude of kernel patches from Olegs Wl-500g firmware
- Using ISO-8601 for firmware numbering. (FYI Netgears choice '10201736' is month:10 day:20 hour:17 minute:36, no year)
Changelog 10201736
- udhcpd nuked, DNSMasq now doing DNS and DHCP, featuring;
- resolvable LAN hostnames including the router
- DNS query caching (including local caching for TBT trackers etc.)
- simultaneous query of DNS servers, using fastest.
- some protections against attacks involving DNS
- PXE boot enabled, with two flavours of Memtest86 currently bootable, via TFTP > HTTP (iPXE > PXELINUX), F12 on most systems at boot. [expansion in mind, pull larger stuff from the USB drive]
- Can add LAN/Ethernet port to the bridge (to act as 5th LAN port)
- Renice original default programs to low priority on startup
- Dropbear SSH Firewall enabled didn't stick after power cycle (moved on menu, now called 'dropbearfw')
- Static leases work correctly.
Changelog 10121522
- Automatic URL/Feed parsing fixed
- Updated Busybox and Dropbear
- Added sftp-server (from OpenSSH) addition for Dropbear to allow SFTP access
- Added opening external Firewall to allow SSH/SFTP
- Dropbear now logs to syslog
Changelog 09121810
- Fixed log to be working again
- Annex M and VDSL selection on new menu set them. [Note, under 'Settings' > 'ADSL Setting' , 'VDSL' setting has no effect]
- Updated Transmission 2.77 > 2.82
- Added Automatic 0.8.0 for automatically adding torrents from RSS feeds.
- GUI page for dyndns
- Added advanced Wifi menu back that was 'hidden' in original firmware, A-MPDU/A-MSDU aggregation, Beacon, DTIM interval setting.
- Much more feature enhanced web GUI for ADSL, Dyndns, Torrent/Automatic settings
- Shutdown/reboot from new menu shut everything down nicely first from inittab
- Compiling firmware initially is quicker as enabled multiple job build (-j4) on most things [16m on Corei5].
- Other minor things I cant remember.